pressure equipment directive ped-凯发k8国际首页登录

pressure equipment directive ped

the ped directive is the abbreviation of the pressure equipment directive, the latest directive number are 2014/68/eu, which was issued on june, 2014. the ped directive requires all equipment with a design pressure exceeding 0.5 bar to comply with the ped. equipment such as fire extinguishers, pressure gauges, valve fittings, safety valves, air cabinets, tower tanks, piping, fittings, steam equipment and other equipment that contains or conveys fluids must comply with the ped directive.

the ped directive covers the whole process of design, manufacture, inspection and raw materials of pressure-bearing equipment and requires the approval of the eu notified body before the ce marking can be affixed.

the eu system of pressure vessel regulations and standards is made up of two layers of eu directives such as 2014/68/eu (referred to as the ped directive) and eu harmonised standards (en).

eu directives are essentially binding laws for eu member states, which are then transposed into national law and implemented by the member states. these directives set out the basic requirements for the safety of pressure vessels. in order to ensure that these basic requirements are effectively implemented, the european organisation for standardisation (cen) is responsible for drafting harmonised standards to accompany the eu directives and to give them concrete details.

in the case of the eu pressure equipment directive (ped) 2014/68/eu, there are more than 700 harmonised standards for which cen is responsible. these en standards cover a wide range of materials, components (accessories), design, manufacture, installation, use and inspection of boilers, pressure vessels and industrial piping. the en 13445 series of standards is the general body of standards for pressure vessels, consisting of general provisions (en 13445.1), materials (en 13445.2), design (en 13445.3), manufacture (en 13445.4), inspection and testing (en 13445.5), design and production requirements for cast iron pressure vessels and pressure vessel components (en 13445.6), conformity assessment (en 13445.7), and the use of pressure vessels. 13445.6), guidance on the use of conformity assessment procedures (en 1344571) and 7 other parts. in addition to en 13445, there is also a general standard en 286 for simple pressure vessels, a series of basic standards en 764 and a number of product-specific standards for pressure vessels such as heat exchangers, liquefied gas vessels, cryogenic vessels, medical vessels, etc.


services scope

the ped is applicable to pressure-bearing equipment with a maximum working pressure ps greater than 0.5 bar and covers the following products .


i. pressure vessels

a closed space (e.g. a gas storage tank) that holds a fluid and carries a certain pressure.


ii. pressure piping

a general term for pipe fittings that carry fluids between pressure-bearing systems. pressure piping can be either a single pipe or a pipe system consisting of pipes, fittings, expansion joints, hoses and other pressure-bearing components.


ⅲ safety accessories

devices used to prevent pressure-bearing equipment from exceeding the permissible limits.

1. direct pressure limiting devices: e.g. safety valves, rupture discs, yield rods, controlled safety release systems (csprs).

2. limiting devices: pressure switches, temperature control valves, level gauges.


iv. pressure-bearing accessories

devices (valves) with certain functions and a certain pressure-bearing space.


v. complete sets of equipment

combined equipment consisting of two or more pressure-bearing devices with overall function.


ⅵ. the attached pressure-bearing parts

for example, flange, receiver, joint, etc.


value gain

ce marking, which provides a uniform technical specification for products from all countries to trade in the european market, simplifies the trade process. to enter the european union and the european free trade area (efta), products from any country must be ce certified and have the ce mark applied to them. ce marking means that the product has met the safety requirements of the eu directive; it is a commitment from the company to the consumer and increases the consumer's trust in the product; products with ce marking will reduce the risk of selling in the european market.

service process

how to calculate the pressure category of ped?

to calculate the pressure category of ped product, first you need to identify the type of product applied for by the customer, which type of product belongs to pressure vessels, boilers, pressure piping, safety accessories, pressure accessories, second, you need to confirm the parameters of the product, for vessels you need to know the volume of the product and the maximum allowable working pressure, for piping you need to know the diameter of the pipe and the maximum allowable working pressure, and finally you need to identify the medium in which the product operates. the last step is to check one of the nine charts in the ped directive to confirm the pressure category of the product.


what are the ped certification modules and how to choose them?

the ped modules are described as follows.

mode a: internal production control

mode a2: periodic internal random surveillance inspections based on internal controls (formerly a1 mode)

mode b: eu production type approval (formerly mode b)

model b: eu design type approval (formerly model b1)

model c2: conformity assessment - random intra-periodic surveillance checks based on internal controls (formerly model c1)

model d: production quality assurance

model e: product quality assurance

model d1: production quality assurance

model e1: product quality assurance

model f: product validation

model g: single unit validation

model h: full quality assurance

mode h1: conformity - additional design review based on full quality assurance

the choice of the conformity review modules depends on the type of pressure equipment, in addition to the classification of the equipment, mainly considering the type of production of the equipment (single unit production or mass production) and quality management (routine inspection without a quality assurance system or with a quality assurance system), which can be referred to as follows.

category i: a

category ii: a2, d1, e1

category iii: b c2, b d, b e, b f, h

category iv: b d, b f, h1, g


what is the specific list of documents to be prepared for ped certification?

ped certification application form; draft declaration of conformity doc; essential safety requirements; risk assessment; itp; technical drawings; calculation book; bill of materials - qa; pma; weld joint diagram - wps, pqr, wpq; visual and dimension inspection report; ndt report - if required; ndt personnel certificate (if required); heat treatment report (if required); test plate test report (if required); pressure test reports; photographs of the nameplate; operation instructions etc.


what are the validity periods for ped certificates?

(1) certification product or order modules are valid only for the inspected product and order and have no expiry date.

(2) certification by type examination (module b), such as design type approval certificates or product type approval certificates, are valid for 10 years, but should be used in combination with other modes.

(3) certification by quality system are valid for 3 years, with an annual audit and a three-year re-certification audit.

our advantage
authoritative qualification
noa has been approved by certification and accreditation administration of the people’s republic of china(cnca)(cnca-r-2002-051), and has obtained qualification of china inspection body and laboratory mandatory approval (cma),and has passed the multiple approvals of china national accreditation service for conformity assessment (cnas), international accreditation service (ias), united kingdom accreditation service (ukas), joint accreditation system of australia and new zealand (jas-anz). noa has been approved by state administration for market regulation of china, and has been recognized as inspection and testing institution of china's special equipment, as well as the qualification of china's national equipment supervision and engineering supervision. noa-dci is the notified body of the ce directive of the european commission. noa has been recognized by the international electrotechnical commission (iecq) by obtaining electronic component quality assessment system. it is also a national inspection and assessment notified body of import and export commodity in china.noa is a high-tech enterprise in shanghai.
improve performance, realize asset value appreciation, and service throughout the entire value chain
from pre-design to post-operation, noa has the ability to guarantee the whole life cycle of the business. noa, as an independent third-party inspection company, has a large number of domestic and international standards and specifications proficient in design, welding, non-destructive testing, painting, packaging and other fields the experienced team of professional engineers and inspection experts, with more than ten years of experience in the domestic market, is familiar with all aspects of the domestic industrial equipment supply chain, and can provide you with technical support services for the full life cycle of technical services in a timely manner, combining various products. inspection, certification, testing, consulting, and auditing services can provide you with one-stop all-round comprehensive services.
quality, efficiency and service
noa has formed a mature and solid operation system in the development of more than 20 years. we let technical experts who are familiar with market regulations and testing standards and have professional industry experience to carry out inspection, evaluation and design review work. while meeting the requirements of domestic and international standards, we ensure that customers can obtain satisfactory service results in the first time with accurate time-sensitive management methods, and ensure that customers can seize the opportunity in the market competition.
service area
noa inspection services currently cover europe, australia, russia, some middle east regions and most regions in china. noa can ensure the consistency and continuity of customer service in different regions, and eliminate the impact of unfamiliar environments on customer quality. the guarantees and the impact of project implementation enable customers to participate in different markets across the country or around the world with flawless quality.

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