leak detection and repair (ldar)-凯发k8国际首页登录

leak detection and repair (ldar)

leak detection and repair(ldar) is an internationally advanced chemical waste gas detection technology. ldar testing is used to find equipment leakage and reduce emissions through repair. through regular testing and monitoring of specific components, leakage is detected and replaced or repaired within a fixed time. noa detects leak-prone parts such as raw material transmission pipelines, pumps, valves and flanges of chemical enterprises through ldar, summarizes and registers leakage sites exceeding a certain concentration, and helps enterprises repair leaked sites in a timely and effective manner, so as to control the pollution caused by raw material leakage to the environment and effectively reduce and control volatile organic matter emissions.


the ldar steps are:
1. archiving - specify a unique identification number for each seal point within the scope of each ldar implementation and record it in the archiving.
2. definition - define a concentration value (leakage concentration value) for leakage, which should refer to the relevant standard requirements.
3. detection - leak detection of the sealing point. leak detection methods include sensory judgment and instrument detection. sensory judgment is to see with your eyes, listen with your ears, and smell with your nose. if the detection value of the instrument is greater than the "leakage concentration value", then this sealing point is identified as leakage.
4. repair - repair the sealing point of the leak.
5. record - record all the data and materials in the above steps in the file and keep them properly for a period of not less than 3 years. ldar has a lot of record data, unless the number of sealing points is small, and electronic files are used to keep records.


with the progress of modern industrial equipment and the improvement of enterprise modern management, it is difficult to detect leaks through the senses. it must be found with the help of detection instruments. the commonly used detection instrument is the hydrogen ion flame detector, which can directly measure the concentration of organic matter in the gas in the field. for specific monitoring methods and requirements, please refer to the guideline for the determination of volatile organic compound leaks and uncovered liquid surface emissions (hj733-2014).


service content

1. service background.

ldar is a detection technology involving chemical exhaust gas. ldar mainly detects leak-prone parts such as raw material transmission pipelines, pumps, valves and flanges in chemical enterprises, and repair leakage sites exceeding a certain concentration, so as to control pollution to the environment. therefore, it is also an effective control measure to reduce the emission of volatile organic matter. ldar is currently a technology for petrochemical enterprises to control unorganized emissions of vocs. it is mainly through systematic methods to detect and maintain potential leakage sources in the enterprise, such as valves, pumps, connectors, flanges, mixers and other process equipment, and eliminate vocs leakage from leakage sources, so as to control environmental pollution and reduce the loss of materials in the enterprise.


2. noa services

the noa environmental business department is equipped with advanced on-site analysis equipment and professional on-site monitors to provide professional ldar technical services and make the results into a book for enterprise self-inspection and government supervision.


project category

work service content


data collection: the information to be collectted includes but is not limited to pfd,p&id, |material balance sheet,process operation procedures, installation layout plan, equipment ledger,etc.

applicability analysis of the device: analyze the components and contents of raw materials, intermediate products,final products and various additives involved in the device, and establish a list of controlled devices.

suitable analysis of equipment and pipeline components: by analyzing the materials of equipment |and pipeline components in each controlled device, accounting for the vocs mass fraction in the |equipment and pipeline assembly, and identifying the equipment and pipeline components that vocs materials contact or flow through, the controlled equipment and pipeline components are |determined. based on the identification of material status by ped and p&id,vocs materials in controlled equipment and pipeline components arre classified according to gas, light liquid and heavy liquid according to the process parameters.

material state boundary division: materials indifferent states are isolated by valves or other equipment, and boundary valves or other equipment sealing points are divided.

classification of sealing points:classificaion according to the type of sealing points unreachable sealing point identification:identification of vocs-related points due to safety factors and physical isolation.

ledger establishment: according to the relevantinformation collected in the early stage, sort out the vocs sealing points of the whole factory and establish files.

on-site testing: one-on-one testing according to the whole sealing point file to find the leakage sealing point.

on-site testing: one-to-one testing is carried out to identify leaky seals in accordance with the established site-wide seal point profile.

leakage repair: repair the leakage sealing points found during the testing process.

report preparation: test data archiving, preparing reports and other related documents. 

data declaration:submit a declaration form that meets the requirements and pay the sewage fee.



3. noa advantages.

1、the team has rich experience and a sufficient number of on-site testing personnel;

2、comes with file-building software and provides one-stop ldar technical services.

service process
why do you do ldar?
ldar is a commonly used vocs unorganized control technology in the world at present. it is widely used in vocs emission reduction in equipment leakage links in petrochemical, chemical and other industries. after the united states controlled the leakage emissions of equipment in the petrochemical industry by implementing ldar in the early 1980s, the european union also recommended that member states carry out ldar in the petrochemical industry based on u.s. experience in the 1990s and list ldar as the best feasible technology for vocs control (bat). in september 2011, the shanghai ecological environment management department took the lead in promulgating relevant policies, requiring ldar pilot work to be carried out in several petrochemical enterprises, and ldar technology was officially applied to domestic environmental management. as an important policy of unorganized control of vocs in petrochemical and chemical enterprises, many policy documents and standards issued by the state have put forward clear requirements for the implementation of ldar.
what does ldar work mainly include?
sealing point identification, leakage concentration definition, equipment component detection, leakage component repair and data record preservation, etc.
how to determine whether the factory wants to do ldar? how many points there are in the factory?
at present, the national standard gb37822-2019 unorganized emission control standards for volatile organic matter stipulates that ldar is required for factories with a sealing point greater than or equal to 2,000 points. if you have any questions, you can contact noa customer service. noa environmental business department will assign professional and technical personnel to the site to investigate and issue an on-site evaluation report to determine whether it is necessary to do an ldar.
there are fewer points in the factory. can ldar be exempted?
the exemption conditions depend on whether the environmental ecology bureau in the area has corresponding standards. if there are regional standards for the location of the factory, you can refer to the landmark implementation for more information.
our advantage
authoritative qualification
noa has been approved by certification and accreditation administration of the people’s republic of china(cnca)(cnca-r-2002-051), and has obtained qualification of china inspection body and laboratory mandatory approval (cma),and has passed the multiple approvals of china national accreditation service for conformity assessment (cnas), international accreditation service (ias), united kingdom accreditation service (ukas), joint accreditation system of australia and new zealand (jas-anz). noa has been approved by state administration for market regulation of china, and has been recognized as inspection and testing institution of china's special equipment, as well as the qualification of china's national equipment supervision and engineering supervision. noa-dci is the notified body of the ce directive of the european commission. noa has been recognized by the international electrotechnical commission (iecq) by obtaining electronic component quality assessment system. it is also a national inspection and assessment notified body of import and export commodity in china.noa is a high-tech enterprise in shanghai.
improve performance, realize asset value appreciation, and service throughout the entire value chain
from pre-design to post-operation, noa has the ability to guarantee the whole life cycle of the business. noa, as an independent third-party inspection company, has a large number of domestic and international standards and specifications proficient in design, welding, non-destructive testing, painting, packaging and other fields the experienced team of professional engineers and inspection experts, with more than ten years of experience in the domestic market, is familiar with all aspects of the domestic industrial equipment supply chain, and can provide you with technical support services for the full life cycle of technical services in a timely manner, combining various products. inspection, certification, testing, consulting, and auditing services can provide you with one-stop all-round comprehensive services.
quality, efficiency and service
noa has formed a mature and solid operation system in the development of more than 20 years. we let technical experts who are familiar with market regulations and testing standards and have professional industry experience to carry out inspection, evaluation and design review work. while meeting the requirements of domestic and international standards, we ensure that customers can obtain satisfactory service results in the first time with accurate time-sensitive management methods, and ensure that customers can seize the opportunity in the market competition.
service area
noa inspection services currently cover europe, australia, russia, some middle east regions and most regions in china. noa can ensure the consistency and continuity of customer service in different regions, and eliminate the impact of unfamiliar environments on customer quality. the guarantees and the impact of project implementation enable customers to participate in different markets across the country or around the world with flawless quality.

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fax: 86-21 3327 5843


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