
power engineering
power engineering

electric power engineering, that is, with the production, transmission, distribution of electrical energy related to the project, in a broad sense, also includes the electricity as power and energy in a variety of fields of application of the project, at the same time can be understood to the power transmission and expansion project. 20th century, the emergence of large-scale power system will be power generation, transmission, power transformation, distribution, electricity links integrated into an organic whole, become a social material production sector in the widest spatial span, strict time coordination it is the most spatially extensive, time-coordinated and complex engineering system.

power projects are characterised by large investments, long lead times and high professional level requirements. noa's team of engineers provides both technical and management support for power projects, offering a full range of quality assurance services on site to improve project quality and ensure the smooth implementation of projects.

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tel: 86-400 821 5138

fax: 86-21 3327 5843


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